Q Room - 26 April - COACH to NOMINATE BOXER
Fri 26 Apr 2024 17:00 — 23:30
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
To be eligible to compete in a Boxing Victoria Inc. sanctioned event, competitors must be registered with BVI and have an up-to-date ‘Blue Book’ with a current medical clearance confirming you are fit to box and a serology certificate that confirms you are clear of HIV, Hepatitis B & C.
Weight-in: 5.00pm to 6.00pm
First bout: 7:00pm
Please note: An athlete will need to have a copy of Medical and Serology with them at weigh-in.
Boxing Victoria requires COACHES to register their athletes for these events ONLY. A coach must be a registered current member of Boxing Victoria (or a member of a Boxing Australia Affiliate) and you will need to enter your National Member ID as well as your surname.
An athlete must have a copy of Medical and Serology at the weigh-in.